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Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Danforth)

The Skandalaris Center works with the best and the brightest at Washington University in St. Louis - the change makers, thought leaders, and visionaries - to solve the world's problems and meet local needs through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Image of Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Danforth)
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6465 Forsyth Blvd #128, St. Louis, MO 63105

The Skandalaris Center works with the best and the brightest at Washington University in St. Louis - the change makers, thought leaders, and visionaries - to solve the world's problems and meet local needs through innovation and entrepreneurship. 

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I was very pleased with the outcome of the ideaBounce last night. I was able to make a contact that should lead to identifying an interface designer/programmer in the School of Engineering.
Suggestion: allow PowerPoint presentations; keep the timing; maybe limit to 10 slides or less. My idea is driven by graphic, artistic quality. Even a single projected image would have made describing the concept more effective.
I took "no visual aids" literally and could have brought a large poster, if I had known.