About this Event
Umrath Hall, St. Louis, MO 63130
https://login.bloodcenter.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/115031The next University-Wide Blood Drive will take place in Umrath Lounge on the Danforth Campus. Sign up today to donate blood on November 7, 2023 from 9 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. If you were previously deferred from donation, please visit the FDA’s website to review eligibility guidelines. If you were deferred during the pre-screening process, note that iron level, blood pressure, and other metrics can change from drive to drive.
Walk-ins are Welcome!
It’s easy to rationalize that someone else will fill the need, but when more than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day, each donation helps ensure that when someone in our community needs blood in an emergency, we will have some to give them. YOUR ten minutes in the donation chair matters to your community.
The life you save could be a friend, a neighbor, a parent, a sibling, or even your own. Regardless of eligibility, everyone can support the blood drive by encouraging a friend or colleague to donate.
Appointments are preferred. To schedule your donation or learn more, please click the link below. If you wish to volunteer, please visit the Campus Y website. If you miss this opportunity, keep watching for details regarding the next event on February 13 and 14.