About this Event
This one-course seminar will provide participants with a foundation in using the Git version-control system. Version-control systems allow programmers to save their code online and collaborate with others, similar to Google Drive. In this session, participants will learn how to set up Git repositories on Github, learn essential commands like “push”, “pull”, and “commit”, and how to share code with collaborators. This class is intended for graduate students, faculty, and staff from any field at WashU who write code in any language, but currently don’t make use of any version control systems for organizing their code.
This class will be fully in-person, and participants will use their own laptops.
Instructor: Saumik Narayanan
Max enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 20. If you enroll and elect not to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the space to another participant.
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