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Although several responsible data science and AI courses are available, pedagogical approaches used in these courses rely exclusively on texts rather than on algorithmic development or data analysis. Technical students often consider these courses unimportant and a distraction from the “real” material. To develop instructional materials and methodologies that are thoughtful and engaging, we must strive for balance: between texts and coding, between critique and solution, and between cutting-edge research and practical applicability. In this talk, I will discuss responsible AI courses that I have been developing and teaching to technical students at New York University since 2019. I will also speak about ongoing work on teaching responsible AI to members of the public in a peer learning setting, and about training practitioners in a range of domains and roles using case studies. The educational and training materials I will discuss are available at

The TRIADS Speaker Series is co-sponsored by the Digital Intelligence & Innovation Accelerator.

Julia Stoyanovich's talk is co-sponsored by the Center for Empirical Research in the Law. 

  • Feng Hou
  • Melinda Nadler
  • Saif Arif

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