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The COVID vaccines represent a major scientific achievement: multiple ways to protect the public from a new pathogen, all developed within a year of the novel virus being identified. Washington University physician David Curiel has dedicated his career to vaccine development.

Join this conversation moderated by Brown School Associate Dean Rodrigo Reis as Curiel bolsters our understanding of how the vaccines work and discusses the different features of each vaccine.

Register online to receive Zoom information on the morning of the event. You can also join us during the live-stream.

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The COVID vaccines represent a major scientific achievement: multiple ways to protect the public from a new pathogen, all developed within a year of the novel virus being identified. Washington University physician David Curiel has dedicated his career to vaccine development.

Join this conversation moderated by Brown School Associate Dean Rodrigo Reis as Curiel bolsters our understanding of how the vaccines work and discusses the different features of each vaccine.

Register online to receive Zoom information on the morning of the event. You can also join us during the live-stream.

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