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The Center for Aerosol Science and Engineering (CASE) invites you to the Schwartz Family Distinguished Lecture featuring Professor Jonathan Abbatt from the University of Toronto's Department of Chemistry.

Talk title: "The sources and fate of chemical contaminants in indoor environments "

Abstract: Our indoor spaces are highly chemically complex environments, with many contaminants in the air that we breathe and on the surfaces we touch. It is in these indoor spaces where we work and recreate that we gain substantial chemical exposure, via inhalation, non-dietary ingestion, and dermal exposure. Recent research has illustrated not only the extent of this chemical diversity – so that we are routinely exposed to thousands and thousands of chemicals – but also the additional complexity that arises through reactive processes that occur indoors. This seminar will first introduce the subject of indoor chemistry. Then, through analysis of both laboratory and field experiments, it will illustrate the impacts that ventilation, cooking, cleaning, and smoking have on indoor chemical complexity and our exposure to contaminants.    

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  • Shashi Kumar
  • Jean Brownell
  • Thao Chau

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