Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics
Thursday, July 18, 2024 12 AM to 12 AM
About this Event
Throop Drive and Snow Way Washington, St. Louis, MO 63130 growth in data volume and complexity of data returned from planetary exploration coupled with new and emerging data science technologies are changing planetary science. From better calibrations to enhanced modelling to new methods for data management and discovery, informatics and data analytics are an increasingly important part of understanding and processing data from planetary missions. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important for the planetary science and data science communities to work together to research and develop applications of these technologies to support upcoming mission and science needs.
The PSIDA conference provides a forum to discuss approaches, challenges, and applications of informatics and data analytics technologies and capabilities in planetary science. During the three days of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to share knowledge, experience, and lessons learned in these fields and network with colleagues. Learn More
Tom Stein is the program chair for this conference, sponsored by MCSS, EEPS, and the NASA Planetary Data System Geoscience Node.