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Daricia Wilkinson
Postdoctoral Associate 
Microsoft Research

AI and data-driven technologies have permeated multiple aspects of our lives often interweaving with core functions across society. Billions of people now rely on AI-powered technologies. However, as we push boundaries and widen AI integration these systems have been known to extend existing social ills while creating new types of harm at an exponential rate thus making the imperative to cultivate safe and responsible technologies a pressing matter.

In this talk, I will present findings from multiple studies that illustrate the importance of adopting a sociotechnical lens to investigate the types of harms that occur in AI systems, how those harms occur, who this affects, as well as the tools, artifacts, and processes that claim to offer accountability. Through interdisciplinary methodologies, I offer empirical evidence that reshapes the narrative of AI’s impact by extending the global coverage of AI-related harm, our understanding of diverging thresholds of safety, and identifying opportunities for bridge building among different actors who are charged with accountability in this space.

Talk Location: Jubel 121