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The Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis seminar series is held weekly during the academic year. Speakers present current research on pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, or viruses, covering topics that include fundamental biological discovery, mechanisms of virulence, host: pathogen interactions, and host immunity to pathogens.

Review speakers and event times.

Email for Zoom access.

Please note that for all in-person events, attendees must adhere to Washington University’s public health requirements, including the latest events and meetings protocol. Guests will be required to show a successful self-screening result and wear a mask at all times. 

Email for zoom access

The Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis seminar series is held weekly during the academic year. Speakers present current research on pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, or viruses, covering topics that include fundamental biological discovery, mechanisms of virulence, host: pathogen interactions, and host immunity to pathogens.

Review speakers and event times.

Email for Zoom access.

Please note that for all in-person events, attendees must adhere to Washington University’s public health requirements, including the latest events and meetings protocol. Guests will be required to show a successful self-screening result and wear a mask at all times.