Les déterminants non-médicaux de la santé au Sénégal
Friday, September 29, 2023 12 PM to 1 PM
About this Event
Interested in public health?
Visioconference live from Dakar with Pr Abdou Salam FALL, sociologist, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD)
Organized as part of the MEDFRAN (Médecine dans le monde francophone) series of lectures, in collaboration with Dr. Caline Mattar (MD), Epidemiologist at Washington University School of Medicine, and medical students from the MedFrench group at WUSM.
Register here for the visioconference: https://wustl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkf--oqzIjE92dNqTG6C7v9N_spDXe6fBg
Moderated by prof. Lionel Cuillé
Co-moderator: Amsatou Mbacke, double major in Biochemistry and French
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About this Event
Interested in public health?
Visioconference live from Dakar with Pr Abdou Salam FALL, sociologist, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD)
Organized as part of the MEDFRAN (Médecine dans le monde francophone) series of lectures, in collaboration with Dr. Caline Mattar (MD), Epidemiologist at Washington University School of Medicine, and medical students from the MedFrench group at WUSM.
Register here for the visioconference: https://wustl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkf--oqzIjE92dNqTG6C7v9N_spDXe6fBg
Moderated by prof. Lionel Cuillé
Co-moderator: Amsatou Mbacke, double major in Biochemistry and French