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This is a one-day work­shop to in­tro­duce cre­at­ing digi­tal neg­a­tives for al­ter­na­tive process print­ing. This work­shop is de­signed for peo­ple to get start­ed mak­ing digi­tal neg­a­tives us­ing inkjet print­ers and Quad­Tone­R­IP. The sys­tem is de­signed to be com­plete­ly vis­ual, and not re­quire man­u­al cal­cu­la­tions or com­plex math on the part of the print mak­er. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Top­ics will in­clude:
- Brief in­tro­duc­tion to inkjet tech­nol­o­gy and Ep­son print­ers
- Com­par­ing dif­fer­ent digi­tal neg­a­tive meth­ods and curve cre­ation tech­niques
- Print­ers, pa­pers, trans­parency ma­te­r­i­al, inks, and col­or man­age­ment set­tings for digi­tal neg­a­tives
- Op­ti­miz­ing your files for print­ing
- Cal­i­bra­tion for dif­fer­ent pro­cess­es us­ing Quad­Tone­Pro­fil­er-QCDN
- Ba­sic in­tro­duc­tion to plat­inum-pal­la­di­um print­ing to demon­strate the cal­i­bra­tion process We will be us­ing a stan­dard Pal­la­di­um and NA2 print­ing method but the process is trans­fer­able to any process you plan to use.

Par­tic­i­pant Re­quire­ments: Apple/mac­OS com­put­er for the digi­tal neg­a­tive cal­i­bra­tion and print­ing soft­ware
4x5-5x7-inch high-res­o­lu­tion black and white digi­tal im­age to print
Ba­sic im­age edit­ing tech­niques in Cap­ture One, Light­Room, Phot­oshop, or Affin­i­ty Pho­to


The one-day work­shop won’t al­low time for a lot of hands on print­ing, but you will come away with a PtPd neg­a­tive and good fi­nal print from one of your im­ages and an un­der­stand­ing of how to cre­ate neg­a­tives for any process you want to ex­plore.


Leather work crosses with fashion, product development, manufacturing, fine art and architecture, particularly for interior accents, furniture, lighting and objects.

  • Justine Craig-Meyer

1 person is interested in this event