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All WashU staff and faculty are invited to take part in this 90-minute interactive session. Participants will explore a working understanding of "equity," the idea of an "equity lens" and why and how it intersects with the University mission, goals, and intentions. In dialogue with colleagues from across the University, participants will begin identifying the elements of their work that impact the possibility for equitable outcomes.

Participants can expect to:

  • Explore a working definition of "equity"
  • Explore the idea of an "equity lens"
  • Reflect on how and why the above intersects with the university mission
  • Reflect on how and why the above intersects with their role at the university
  • Identify elements of their work that impact outcomes
  • Practice honest dialogue with colleagues across the university about the above

Register in Learn@Work directly.

  • Justine Craig-Meyer
  • Nayong Quan
  • LaRanda Parnacher Turner

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