Danforth Campus Toastmasters Club Returns February 1
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 12 PM to 1 PM

About this Event
WUSTL Speaks, the Danforth Campus Toastmasters club since 2014, meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, with the occasional 5 Wednsday being a socail meeting off campus. The in-person meeting location may change due to room availability - for location updates, visit the club’s website.
Toastmasters teaches public speaking and leadership skills, helping people become more confident communicators. Members and guests can practice giving prepared and impromptu speeches in a supportive environment, which benefits career growth, interview skills, teaching practice, networking, and presenting with or without visuals in a group setting.
WUSTL Speaks welcomes Washington University staff, faculty, graduate students, and alumni, and is one of three clubs at the university. Toast of WU is Wash U’s combined North Campus and West Campus club, and WashU MedMasters serves the Medical School campus. For more information about WUSTL Speaks, please visit the club’s website or contact club president, Jennifer Krupp.
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About this Event
WUSTL Speaks, the Danforth Campus Toastmasters club since 2014, meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, with the occasional 5 Wednsday being a socail meeting off campus. The in-person meeting location may change due to room availability - for location updates, visit the club’s website.
Toastmasters teaches public speaking and leadership skills, helping people become more confident communicators. Members and guests can practice giving prepared and impromptu speeches in a supportive environment, which benefits career growth, interview skills, teaching practice, networking, and presenting with or without visuals in a group setting.
WUSTL Speaks welcomes Washington University staff, faculty, graduate students, and alumni, and is one of three clubs at the university. Toast of WU is Wash U’s combined North Campus and West Campus club, and WashU MedMasters serves the Medical School campus. For more information about WUSTL Speaks, please visit the club’s website or contact club president, Jennifer Krupp.