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Take part in the fifth lecture of the Mindfulness and Anti-Racism series with an in-person presentation by Doris Chang. The talk will be recorded and available to watch later on the series' webpage. Chang is a clinical psychologist and associate professor in the NYU Silver School of Social Work. Her research seeks to advance the well-being of BIPOC communities by understanding the processes that impact psychological health and developing culturally grounded interventions that integrate mindfulness and other contemplative traditions to promote racial equity. Her most recent work examines Asian Americans’ experiences of discrimination in the COVID-19 pandemic and the role that critical consciousness may play in promoting more resilient coping. Her research has been profiled on ABC News, CNN, 20/20, NPR and the New York Times.

This event is co-sponsored by Mindfulness Science and Practice, a collaboration with the Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures.

Please register at the link below in advance for this meeting to make sure we have lunch reserved.