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The Artistic Research at Tyson cohort of 13 Washington University humanities graduate students will present their works in progress following a semester of site-specific exploration of creative practice and critical inquiry at the Tyson Research Station. They will share the evolution of their ideas in a variety of formats, including but not limited to performance, documentation of their process and display of creative work within a bunker on site.

Via examples of their own work, invited guests Lawrence Abu Hamdan and Salomé Voegelin will guide the collective discussion about working at the cross-section of sound studies, performance and other artistic research methods, environmental studies, and histories of war. Via discussions, presentations and guided explorations, this gathering will be about the exchange of methods for including (and exposing) creative practice as complementary and fruitful to the critical and intellectual work within the university.

Full attendance Friday, April 26, 10 am–7 pm Saturday, April 27, 10 am–5 pm Drop-in hour Saturday, April 27, 1–2 pm While this gathering is focused on durational engagement over two days around the ongoing projects of the graduate students and the invited guests, anyone is welcome to attend if they can commit to full attendance. The invitation to witness and to engage is open to anyone interested in a rigorous exploration of how creative practice and critical inquiry interact, and does not necessitate any specific background. For those who cannot make it for the durational engagement but are interested in seeing humanities at work at Tyson, please join us during the drop-in hour.

RSVP to attend.

  • Dianne Mogilevsky Carty
  • Courtney Otto

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