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In April 2024, WashU Medicine in collaboration with BJC Healthcare, installed a permanent exhibit that depicts the history of the desegregation of the medical campus. The images and narratives in the exhibit were originally curated from the School of Medicine archives by a former faculty member who was interested in the medical campus’ history of segregation and desegregation. Staff in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion incorporated the content into a timeline as part of the School of Medicine’s Understanding Systemic Racism (USR) curriculum, and three years ago, Dean Perlmutter expressed interest in the timeline becoming a permanent exhibit on the medical campus. The event on 1/22/25, which will be held at EPNEC, will be our official commemoration of the exhibit. The event will include a program (approximately 45 minutes), followed by a reception and viewings of the exhibit for those who are interested.

Speakers will include Sarah EnglandDean PerlmutterLeaders from BJC Healthcare and more.

RSVP is by invitation, WashU Employees should have received an email. 

You may learn more about the project on the project’s website:

You may read more about the Wall at this story:

  • Juli Leistner

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