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Professor Ian Bogost will present three talks that explore the theory and concepts of play and games, and in the final lecture, discuss "How to Live Playfully."

The 2021 Humanities Lecture Series will feature three talks by Ian Bogost, the noted media studies scholar, game designer, and new WU faculty.

Monday, 11/15: "A Theory of Play" (4:00-5:30 – Women’s Building Formal Lounge)
Wednesday, 11/17: "Think Inside the Box" (4:00-5:30 – Women’s Building Formal Lounge)
Thursday, 11/18: "How to Live Playfully" (reception before lecture—reception 5:00-5:45; Lecture 5:45-7:00 p.m. – Women’s Building Formal Lounge)

Learn more about Professor Bogost in this article, "Noted media studies scholar and video game designer Ian Bogost to join the faculty in Arts & Sciences."

This lecture series is hosted by the Interdisciplinary Project in the Humanities. For more information, contact

These lectures are open to the public. Visitors to campus must adhere to the current visitor protocols.

Parking information for visitors can be found here.

RSVP to attend.

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